

httpd-develが必要 $ sudo yum install httpd-devel FastCGIインストール $ wget http://www.fastcgi.com/dist/fcgi-2.4.0.tar.gz $ tar xfz fcgi-2.4.0.tar.gz $ cd fcgi-2.4.0 $ ./configure; make $ su # make install$ wget http://www.fastcgi.com/dist…

ZEO 起動スクリプトを設定(Plone2.5)

I tested this on Fedora Core 5 and the default "Universal" Linux installer for Plone 2.5.1. I think this is a useful script to start zeo/zope rather than using the startcluster etc command line scripts ZEOの起動スクリプトを設定する.Plone2…